Graphic Design for Legal Advocacy
1 Washington MCLE Credit (Law & Legal)
As lawyers we like to write and we love to talk. But words are not always the best way to convey information to judges, juries and decision makers. In this webinar we will explore how graphic design can be used to persuasively and clearly communicate legal information. Learn how to cut through the clutter and present information in the way today’s audience expects it.
About our speaker, Troy White
I’ve been drawing, building, inventing, sculpting, and creating all of my life. Becoming a designer was a natural choice, and I’ve enjoyed the variety of experiences I’ve obtained through design over the last 10 years. Any kind of design involves small choices which will make a big difference in the outcome of the whole. In design for the legal world, these small choices can be magnified, as each one might affect the outcome of a significant decision.
I enjoy the problem solving inherent in working on cases – in telling a complex story in a clear and compelling way. For over five years, I have been helping attorneys tell the story of their client, and why they deserve the justice they seek. Once a case gets to court, there is enough in dispute that it is not enough to simply present the facts. You need to persuade. I thrive on figuring out the most effective way to do that; through color, space, or the movement and builds of information on slides.
I currently live in Seattle, and enjoy the change of pace of the Pacific Northwest. Besides trial graphics, my interests lie in illustration, animation, interactivity, and writing. Thank you for taking the time to look at my work.
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