At Sound Immigration we are serious about improving the practice of law for the benefit of our clients. We think that our colleagues in the legal community feel the same way. So we are happy to offer extensive resources – they are all free – to other law firms who want to improve delivery of legal services.
Form I-864 issues 101 – Materials for NW conference, Amer. Immigration Lawyers Association
I prepared this material for a presentation this week at the Northwest Regional Conference for the American Immigration Lawyers' Association. I don't find it very helpful when speakers put this…
Want to end notario fraud? Take the law into your own hands
The following article, co-authorized with attorney Deborah Niedermeyer, is forthcoming by American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) and Bender's Immigration Bulletin. Download the article free of charge here: Want To End Notario…
Tax issues for immigration lawyers
When it comes to getting your clients to the United States you’re the master. But what happens when that conversation turns to the client’s financial planning? Global migration can lead…
Advising LPRs on foreign travel
Whew – your client has finally made it through the lengthy immigrant visa process. Or she’s nailed the adjustment interview and at long last has her green card in hand…