Partner with Sound Immigration to help your customers create their American story.
Sound Immigration is a U.S. immigration law firm serving clients around the world. We are launching a new initiative to help local businesses, such as travel agents, expand their services by offering immigration assistance to their own customers. Through this ground-breaking partnership, local businesses gain a new revenue stream by offering their customers an innovative service. Sound Immigration’s lawyers provide top quality legal representation to the individual, while the local business provides its customers with administrative support.
Sound Immigration makes collaboration easy.
An important opportunity for your business.
There is an estimated $45 billion latent market for legal services in the United States.
Most people who need help with a legal issue – such as immigration – never get it. Most people try to help themselves, because they do not know where to go. Our partnership allows you bridge the gap between your customers’ immigration needs and excellent legal assistance. Build on your customer relationships to offer these additional services in a way that is convenient and helpful to your customers.
Most Washington residents never connect with a lawyer when they need one.
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